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Webview Flash Plugin missing - Rooted Revue - Android 2.1

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:36 am
by saher
I am developing and testing a Android 2.1 app on my rooted revue. It needs to render Flash web videos. The app works fine if the flash web videos are launched through an external chrome browser (already installed on the rooted revue). But, I need to do some cookie manipulation. So, I need an internal Webview to launch those videos. I am getting 'Flash Pluggin Missing' error while trying to launch Flash videos through Webview. I tried installing few Flash apk plugins (available on internet for Android 2.1) to make it work. But, all of those Flash Apk failed to install. It says 'INSTALL_FAIL_OLDER_SDK" . Please help me to resolve this issue. I have been struggling for few weeks on this.

Re: Webview Flash Plugin missing - Rooted Revue - Android 2.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:20 pm
by saher
I got feedback at Stackoverflow for this question. There is no Android flash plugin available for x86 architecture. All the Android ones provided by Adobe (so far) is for ARM. External Chrome browser on Revue comes with its own Flash. Internal Webview is rendered through some different browser engine (and that does not support flash yet)